Thursday, December 27, 2007

Here are some important instructions on how to live life. They will really help you live better, be happier, and just be a good person!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


it's a butterfly!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Isn't this the awesomest blog ever?

isn't this blog so cool? what do u think? leave a comment!
what do u call a geeky duck?
a squeaky geek!

Hola Wae Wae!

Dear Wae,

If u r reading this, plz leave a comment!
Elmo says hi!


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cute Puppy!

awwwww! isn't this puppy so cute?


Volleyball is a great sport. I am not too good at it, but it's still fun!

My dream Car

My dream car is a lemon on wheels!

Hi guys! If u r a cuzzin, leave a message!

If this is one of my cuz's make sure u leave a message!

Does anyone know how to put music on your blog?

Does anyone know how to put music on a blog?

Hola everyone!

this is izzi d here! hope u like my blog. it will get better soon! ps. this is a picture of a cute dancing monkey!